Category: Images

Recording new album

While waiting for next years world wide twenty year Ping appreciation festivity, what better pastime than cooking up songs for the coming album? Tentatively titled “The Zigzag Manoeuvre”, a sobriquet destined to attract a variety of misspellings, the album is rumoured to contain a plethora of anticipated hits such as “Milk your mom!”, “I’m running …


Ping is proud to present this visually stunning video from “The Hurricane Spoof”. While enjoying the pulsating beat of Motorik, director Erik Ferguson realised he ought to gather the Bergen mob; get down and dirty, not to mention semi-nude, to deliver this gritty piece of noir document. I’m telling you, this is almost exactly as …

Ping live tracks added

Live tracks from a concert at Gamla, Oslo 2010. Check them out at Ping For Your Pod, to the right. Thanks to Kristoffer Alberts (Saxophone), Kim Alexander Wiegels Eriksen (Trumpet) and ex-Ping Hans Norman Fredheim (Keys).