Ping Hi-Res band photos 2011
Hi-Res band photos by Mattis Janitz, spring 2011.
by manatlake
Updated: 2011-06-16
Hi-Res band photos by Mattis Janitz, spring 2011.
by manatlake
Updated: 2011-05-24
Ping to perform at the 10# annual Vaffelføzz festival in Drammen, Norway.
Check out the program here.
by manatlake
Updated: 2011-03-31
Live tracks from a concert at Gamla, Oslo 2010. Check them out at Ping For Your Pod, to the right. Thanks to Kristoffer Alberts (Saxophone), Kim Alexander Wiegels Eriksen (Trumpet) and ex-Ping Hans Norman Fredheim (Keys).
by manatlake
Updated: 2011-03-02
Ping in studio composing and recording a demo for their 2012 album.
by mrfreeze
Posted: 2011-02-15
We are happy to announce that Ping is pregnant with a new record! Temporarily titled “The Gazebo of Malevolence”, we suspect it will be a chart breaker that will dispel any financial worry, both for the band and the listener!
Hmm, did I not read this very sentence less than a year ago, the avid reader of is telling himself while reading this post. Indeed you did dear reader! The humble writer merely cut’n’pasted the paragraph so that you could pride yourself with having a decent capability for memory, as well as an excellent taste in music.
That said, the introduction is no less true today; Ping is still pregnant with a record. Imagine The body of Ping, filled to the brim with organic and inorganic sounds, creative forces both malevolent and benign, just waiting to burst on the scene in a sonic psychedelic parturition hitherto unheard of.
How long is a musical gestation period, you might enquire? A valid question that is seldom posed, the answer to which might possibly be calculated through the use of advanced algorithms and non-scientific statistics. I probably need not remind you that the average gestation period for a mouse is 20 days, baboon 187 days, human 259-294 days and elephant 600-660 days!
Heeding this, we may conclude that the coming album will not resemble any mouse or ape. It will definitely be trans-human, and (bear with me) it might very well be elephantastic…
Stay tuned and sing along – maybe in May, we’ll be gay on the bay!
by manatlake
Updated: 2010-09-20
by manatlake
Updated: 2010-09-20
Ping presents the 4th annual tribute to WEEN. The show will take place at Garage, Oslo. Saturday, October 30th.
Additional artists will be announced! Stay tuned.
by manatlake
Updated: 2010-09-07
by manatlake
Updated: 2010-09-09
Ping will support Major Parkinson on the release of their new album, at John Dee, Oslo, Friday September 10th.
by manatlake
Updated: 2010-06-08
by manatlake
Updated: 2010-08-12
Ping slapp sitt fjerde album Discotheque Of Darkness i august i fjor. Siden 1999 har bandet gledet og forarget kritikere og publikum med sin selvtitulerte “metamusikk”. “Strong grooves, efficient songwriting, and surprises by the ton. These guys know what they are doing and they do it marvelously well”, skriver amerikanske Allmusic. På kveldens konsert blir det også en sjelden anledning til å høre nye titler fra bandet kommende album. (Photo: Britt Johansen 2010)
by manatlake
Updated: 2010-05-01
by manatlake
Updated: 2010-05-04
by manatlake
Posted: 2010-05-13
Da du trodde at hormonhysterien hadde lagt seg, at gatene igjen ville fylles med kiltkledte konemishandlere og at konsumprisindeksen ville ta et krumspring, viste det seg at det ble musikkens svar på Baktus som fikk i oppdrag å fylle tidens tann.
Pings fjerde utgivelse ”Discotheque of Darkness” ble sluppet i august i fjor – til stormende jubel fra et lite knippe våkne anmeldere og et stolt, avantgardistisk kollektiv. ”En moderne norsk klassiker?”, ”Et intergalaktisk band!” mente noen, mens andre gledet seg over at Whitney Houston hadde reist seg fra grusen, og igjen holdt seg fast i et mikrofonstativ. Livet går videre selv om tiden stopper opp.
Men for å ta det viktigste først: Ryktene har lenge svirret om at PING står for We Are Satans Penis, men dette er ugjenkallelig blitt avvist av både bandet og fremtredende grammatikere. Andre ondsinnede rykter har påpekt at Ping tilbringer mistenkelig mye tid i fuktige lydstudioer, hvor de ”dyrker fram musikk” under påvirkning av til dels tunge maltbaserte rusmidler. Dette har ikke blitt avvist av bandet, men – som de sier i en internasjonal pressemelding – “We are people too”.
Uansett hvilket forhold man har til bandet – som har blitt kalt ”musikkens svar på en-blanding-mellom-Heidegger-og-Charter-Svein” – er dette kvelden å vise det på. Møt likesinnede i hyggelige og trygge omgivelser, ta deg en øl eller et glass Chateau Lafite, kjøp en av de populære Ping t-skjortene, et gammelt Pingalbum du trodde var bannlyst for lenge siden, eller bare len deg tilbake, lukk øynene og prøv å få noe ut av det som foregår på scenen.
En Aften Paa Gamla gir deg Pings klassiske Top Hits gjennom 11 år, sukret med uforglemmelige perler, saltet med sviende metalriff og omstendig surret i en sur-søt melodisk Bordelaise. Kanskje dukker det også opp smakebiter fra kommende listeklatrere som ”Ave Pingus” og ”The Apostle”.
Kveldens supportband er ingen ringere en The Present, som ønsker venner og fiender velkommen til en dobbel konsertopplevelse! The Present spiller energisk rock fargelagt av 60-tallets pop, 70-tallets prog, 80-tallets new wave og 90-tallets metal. Besetningen har fartstid fra en rekke tidligere band, blant andre Tennessee Beats, Simplifax og Entropy Nova.
I tillegg spiller DJ Snublefot en sommermix av snedige låter fra de siste fem tiårene. La Ween, France Gall, Tiny Tim og Black Sabbath gjøre kvelden til en fullstendig opplevelse.
Billetten for aftenen koster kr. 100. Dette tilsvarer en busstur til Slitu, en pakke Omega-3 eller boka ”Bibelen” i billig pocketutgave. Valget er ditt. Du er et menneske. Vær velkommen.
by mrfreeze
Updated: 2010-05-11
Fellow spacemen – due to incongruency in the flux capacitor the Ping news feed has been dormant for a while. Now, equilibrium restored, the saga continues with Janus-faced tidings.
Long time donor of organ sounds Norm Fredheim Hanson has abdicated from stardom, in support of his wife’s dairy productions. A striking blow to the band’s keyboard section, as well as an increase in average body mass index of the troupe. Fortunately Norm Hanson has promised to reappear suddenly and infrequently, both in studio and on stage.
What could have become a hole in the band’s wall of sonus however, seemed like a most fitting position for none other than Norm’s best man – Thomas Haugbro, Esq. Axe grinder Thomas, Esq. has already joined forces with Ping on stage several times during the past couple of years so his inclusion was a natural development in the Ping saga. We are most pleased to have Thomas, Esq. on board and we’re confident that his affection for 70’s guitar grooves will bring a new dimension to this musical complexion.
We are also happy to announce that Ping is pregnant with a new record! Temporarily titled “The Gazebo of Malevolence”, we suspect it will be a chart breaker that will dispel any financial worry, both for the band and the listener! Now, doesn’t that sound like a deal? Popular hits include “I put a smell on you”, “Leave your lame and your lumber” and “Ave Pingus – the monkey goes bananas”. Stay tuned and we might just give you an audible low down.
by manatlake
Posted: 2010-04-29
Ping will support Black Debbath at Rockefeller, Oslo, Saturday 5th of June. Concert starts 9 pm.
by manatlake
Posted: 2009-12-16
by mrfreeze
Updated: 2009-12-01
“En moderne norsk klassiker?”
by mrfreeze
Updated: 2009-11-27
Mandag 7. desember runder vår alles Tom Waits 60 år. I den anledning trommer et kobbel norske og svenske artister sammen til storslagen feiring på Rockefeller. Som kjent er Jørgen i barselperm til nyttår, men for en kvelds skyld lar han barn være barn og tar whiskeyrøsten med på scenen igjen. Vi gleder oss!